I was first inspired to curate a list of sidewalk chalk activities for kids about 10 days into the 2020 pandemic when an old colleague of mine shared a video on Facebook featuring an outdoor obstacle course he had created for his kids. It was still fairly chilly outside, which can be challenging when you’re looking for outdoor activities for little ones, so he created an obstacle course on his back patio using nothing but sidewalk chalk. He kept it pretty simple by drawing several large squares with chalk and writing an activity inside of each, and the joy on his kids’ faces was priceless. I immediately ordered a couple of boxes of sidewalk chalk, and have slowly been collecting a list of activities, art projects, and obstacle course ideas for my daughter to enjoy on sunny days.
From decorating driveways, to practicing letters, numbers, spelling, and basic math, to creating sidewalk chalk obstacle courses, we’ve curated easy and creative ideas for all ages and stages to keep your little ones entertained in the great outdoors!
9 Sidewalk Chalk Activities
1. Self-Portrait
If you’re looking for sidewalk chalk activities that are easy to setup and keep kids busy for an extended period of time, this is a great one to consider. Have your child lie on his or her back and trace the outline of his or her body, and then allow your little one to create a life-sized version of him or herself complete with a face, hair, and clothes!
2. Hopscotch
There are so many ways you can switch up a good old game of hopscotch. Have your child only jump on odd or even numbers, ask him or her to switch from jumping with 2 legs to one leg, instruct him or her to jump backwards and then forwards at different intervals, and yell out random numbers to jump to in an effort to get your child guessing and engaged.
3. Number/Alphabet Hop
Write the numbers 1-20 and/or the letters of the alphabet in chalk on your driveway or back patio, and then randomly call out different sequences to see how quickly your child can jump from one to the next. This is a great way to keep kids moving so they can burn off some energy!
4. Life-Sized Board Games
Another one of my favorite sidewalk chalk activities is to create life-sized board games. You can easily sketch out tic tac toe, checkers, chess, and twister game boards on the pavement, providing hours of fun and entertainment for the whole family!
5. Long Jump
If you’re looking for sidewalk chalk activities that get kids moving, consider creating your own long jump station. Measure various distances on your sidewalk and mark them off with a little chalk, and then challenge your child to see how far he or she can jump.
6. DIY Sidewalk Chalk Mosaic Art
A list of sidewalk chalk activities wouldn’t be complete without some sort of art project ideas, and this idea is perfect for those who aren’t artistically inclined. To make your own sidewalk chalk mosaic art, all you need is some masking tape and an open mind. Start by taping off a big shape (i.e. a square, rectangle, or triangle), and then create smaller sections with tape within that shape. Next, having your kids color in each section in various colors using sidewalk chalk, and then remove the tape to reveal your final design! It’s such a simple way to add a little color and personality to your driveway, and keeps kids happy and entertained!
7. Sidewalk Smoke Bombs
If you’re not opposed to your kids getting dirty and want to create something fun with them, these sidewalk smoke bombs on Growing a Jeweled Rose are an awesome idea. They are surprisingly easy to make (all you need are empty egg shells, powdered paint, baby powder, tissue paper, and glue) and they are one of my favorite sidewalk chalk activities for summer playdates and birthday parties!
8. Target Practice
If you’re looking for outdoor activities to help your little one develop his or her throwing skills, you can easily create a target practice using chalk and a set of bean bags! Simply draw one large circle with multiple circles of varying sizes inside of it, and then task your child with coloring in each layer with a different color of chalk. Next, have your child stand an appropriate distance behind the circles and see how many times he or she can throw the bean bag and have it land in the middle circle. You can make this extra fun by adding points for each layer of your target, and challenge each other to see how many points you each accumulate as you practice!
9. Sidewalk City
Ask your child to grab a few toy cars, mini figures, and a miniature town play set and work with him or her to create your very own sidewalk city! Sketch out roads and have your little one add buildings, houses, trees, etc. Once your city has been built, he or she can create stories and enjoy racing cars!
7 Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Courses
1. Follow The Line
When it comes to sidewalk chalk obstacle courses, it doesn’t get much easier than drawing a long line for your child to navigate. Make the line straight, then zig-zagged, then circular, and repeat! Next, ask your child to follow the line in various different ways – walking, running, jumping, hopping on one foot, etc.
2. Activity Stations
For an added twist on the idea above, draw a circle or square in between each different type of line, and write a different activity in each. Jumping jacks, leg lifts, running on the spot for 60 seconds, hula hooping, and jump rope are all great ideas to get your kids moving!
3. Bike Course
When I first learned to ride a bike, my dad used to create obstacle courses out of chalk for me, and it was so much fun. We had a long and wide driveway, and he would write START at one end and STOP at the other, and then he would simply sketch out a path for me to follow with my bike. The path would require me to navigate my bike through zig zag lines and in circles, helping me to practice maintaining my balance. Give it a try!
4. Mini Golf Course
Another one of my favorite sidewalk chalk activities that doubles as an obstacle course is to create your very own mini golf course! This post on Crayola will inspire you to create different stations on your driveway or along the sidewalk in front of your house for your kids to practice their putting skills.
5. Math Course
If you’re looking for sideway chalk activities that have an educational component to them, setup a math obstacle course! Write the numbers 1 through 20 on your driveway, roll a pair of dice, and challenge your child to jump to the sum of the 2 numbers. It’s an easy way to get kids jumping and moving, and helps them practice their addition skills to boot!
6. Spelling Course
Another learning-inspired sidewalk chalk obstacle course is to write the letters of the alphabet in chalk on your driveway, and then ask your child to spell words by jumping from letter to letter.
7. Animal Walk Course
My final idea for those looking for sidewalk chalk obstacle courses their kids can enjoy is to draw a long line with a series of zig zags and circles, and then ask your child to ‘walk’ along the line from one end to the other as different animals. Have them walk on their hands and feet like a bear, hop like a frog, walk like a crab, slither like a snake, and hop like a kangaroo. This is a great way to help kids practice their motor skills while burning off a little energy!
I hope these sidewalk chalk activities for kids inspire you to find new and creative ways to get your little ones outside on warm weather days!
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